
Training and Strategy Visit – Texas State University | August 7-8 
 LBJ Grand Ballroom and breakout meetings across campus 

August 6, 2024

Time Session Goals Recommended Attendees Location Presenter/Content Creator
5:00 pm Strategy Kick-Off Meeting Review our current status in adoption. 

Outline the next two days. Preview the groups we will be meeting with. 
Core implementation team. EAB guests JCK 980 Informal, confirm logistics, EAB attend if in town
6:15 pm Navigate Welcome Dinner Reflection and fellowship.  Core implementation team, EAB guests Root Cellar Restaurant
August 7, 2024

Time Session Goals Recommended Attendees Location Presenter/Content Creator
9:00 am Go-Live Celebration Review up-to-date implementation milestons

Set expectations for Phase One
Core Implementation Team, Campus Phase One, Stakeholders (Business Process Reps) LBJ Ballroom EAB Led
10:00 am General Session One Presentation of the EAB Navigate system and current Phase One functionality 

Implementation updates
General Campus Community, Faculty, Staff LBJ Ballroom TXST Led for Faculty Users     
11:00 am Student Content Strategy Session Review the completed Student Content and determine further rollout strategy

Student groups to target and, to do, and hand raise content intake survey/Student Education App and desktop review
Content Admins, Core Implementation Team, Student Representatives (Mentor groups, campus leaders, student government, juniors/seniors) LBJ Ballroom TXST Led for returning students
Noon Lunch Eat and chat  President's Commission on Student Succes, Core Implementation Team JCK 11th Floor Conference Room  
1:30 pm Campaign and Communication Planning Review early communication strategy and make improvements

Review Phase One and Two messaging
Communication Teams, University Marcomm JCK 980 TXST Led for Communicators
2:30 pm Site Administrator Support Review of App and Content Admin functions and responsibilities, Hand raise discussion, Review of training modules and materials DSS Information Technology Team, Navigate Training Team JCK 980 TXST Led
4:00 pm Predictive Analytics and Analytics Dashboard Review the Predictive analytics functionality and design a PA plan outline Data Analyst, Core Implementation Team, Institutional Research JCK 980 EAB/TXST
August 8, 2024

Time Session Goals Recommended Attendees Location Presenter/Content Creator
9:00 am General Staff Training In-depth training for Phase One users Core Implementation Team, Care Unit Leads, Phase One Staff Users LBJ Ballroom TXST Led
10:30 am Academic Planning Training In-depth training on the Academic Planning module

Gain an understanding of how to create and share academic plans with students.
Academic Advisors LBJ Ballroom EAB Led
11:30 am Executive Check-In Check-in and summary meeting with cabinet-level leaders as needed Executive Lead - Dr. Hernandez
Program Lead - Dr. Preston 
Others as determined
LBJ Meeting Room EAB Led
Noon Wrap-up and next steps Debrief of Navigate and Navigate sessions. Discussion of next steps. Core Implementation Team  LBJ Meeting Room