DSS Teams

The Division of Student Success (DSS) at Texas State University is dedicated to fostering an environment that promotes student achievement and well-being. The DSS Teams are structured to address various aspects of student success through specialized teams, each with a distinct purpose and charge. These teams include Assessment, Communications, Risk Management, Staff Development, Awards and Recognition, Technology, Administrative Resources, Budget and Finance, and Facilities. 

Each team is led by designated chairs and co-chairs, and they are responsible for delivering specific outcomes, such as developing assessment tools, enhancing communication strategies, managing risks, providing professional development, and ensuring equitable distribution of technological resources. The teams operate with allocated budgets to support their initiatives and meet regularly to discuss progress and share best practices. Through collaborative efforts, the DSS Teams aim to enhance the overall student experience and contribute to the university's mission of academic and personal excellence.

Administrative Resources

  • Purpose is for administrative support staff to discuss and provide feedback regarding administrative functions across the division.

    • OVPSS Liason: Dr. Cynthia L. Hernandez
    • Co-Chair: LA Chafin 

Budget and Finance

  • Purpose is to serve as the primary divisional resource to support financial planning, forecasting, and management. The aim of this team is to provide resources to departments, coordinate university and division financial and budgeting processes, and provide a forum for ongoing learning and professional development for business professionals in the division.

    • OVPSS Liason: Stacey Sanders
    • Co-Chair: Stacey Sanders

Staff Development

  • Our vision is the Division of Student Success working as a community of competent professionals committed to lifelong learning and the shared ownership of organizational excellence. Our mission is to enhance the competencies of professionals in Student Success by facilitating purposeful, innovative, and engaging activities that educate, train and develop. The Staff Development Team exists to provide professional development opportunities and training resources for all staff. Events and programs are sponsored where collegial interaction can occur.

    • OVPSS Liason: Dr. Cynthia L. Hernandez
    • Co-Chair: Tracy Goodman
    • Co-Chair: Danielle Nied


  • The Assessment Team promotes the use of assessment to improve programs and performance and enhance student learning and development. The team provides education, expertise, and information to refine and improve assessment tools and to promote the use of assessment in decision making and resource allocation. Serves as primary divisional resource to support the development of samples, survey methods, interpretation and dissemination of results, and recommendations for actions based on assessments and evaluations in Student Success.

    • OVPSS Liason: Dr. Cindy Justice
    • Co-Chair: Claudia Carroll 
    • Co-Chair: Jason Vlastaras


  • The DSS Communications Team works to identify best practices in communications (web and print), promote communications collaboration between departments, and offers training and professional development opportunities designed to improve Division communications. Assess, timeliness, target audiences, frequency, modes of delivery of communications and marketing to support and guide, university divisional and student initiatives.

    • OVPSS Liason: Stacey Sanders
    • Co-Chair: Kristina Rideout
    • Co-Chair: Abby Snowden


  • Develops and implements information technology processes and procedures to ensure equitable distribution of technological resources within Student Success and provides for adequate staffing and resources to meet the needs of the division and the students we serve.

    • OVPSS Liason: Dr. Cindy Justice
    • Co-Chair: Kevin McCarty

Awards and Recognition

  • Promotes the community connections within the division and among the staff of Student Success through division-wide celebrations, awards, and recognition, community building.

    • OVPSS Liason: Dr. Cindy Justice
    • Co-Chair: Andy Smriga 
    • Co-Chair: Lindley Workman Alyea

Risk Management

  • Provide an opportunity for department safety committee representatives to gain a broader perspective about departmental safety and safety training. Serve as primary divisional resource to assess programmatic and workplace risk management needs. Provide oversight on university, departmental, and programmatic risk management plans; business continuity plans; and provide education and training to divisional stakeholders.

    • OVPSS Liason: Dr. Bill Mattera
    • Co-Chair: Jill Bruner
    • Co-Chair: Julie Saldiva


  • Dedicated to managing our physical space and focus on creating a community of practice and project development and management. The Facilities Team will involve university stakeholders and focus on moving projects forward AND ensure that we are following appropriate protocols.

    • OVPSS Liason: Dr. Bill Mattera
    • Co-Chair: Dr. Bill Mattera