Texas State University Bookstore


Store Hours

Weekdays 8:00am - 4:30pm


What is BookSmart?

BookSmart is TXST’s digital textbook program that provides undergraduate Bobcats with quick and easy access to ALL materials for their academic courses. BookSmart at TXST will save students hundreds of dollars per semester as the costs for required course materials will be conveniently included in your tuition and fees.

Benefits of BookSmart

  • Save hundreds on course textbooks and materials.
  • Access to all required course materials on day one of each semester.
  • Easy access to digital course materials via Canvas.
  • Reduced stress during the purchasing process.
student on laptop

How it Works

  • Register for class.
  • All course materials are digitally loaded onto Canvas.
  • Non-digital materials can be picked up at The Bobcat Store in LBJ Student Center.
  • That’s it! You are ready for day one.

Information for Instructors

Instructions on digital integration for professors can be found at Follett ACCESS E-Book and Courseware.

Note: If you would like to use traditional text materials when the digital material is available, and the textbook exceeds $50, you will need approval from your Department Chair. 

BookSmart FAQ for Students

  • Yes! Bobcats will be able to save hundreds of dollars a semester because of the low, per-semester charge ($261 per academic semester). This fee will provide students with ALL REQUIRED course materials needed for each class.

  • All Texas State University undergraduate students are eligible to participate in BookSmart at TXST.

  • Required course materials assigned by your professor will be included in your purchase, including required textbooks and access codes.

    Consumable course materials, such as art supplies or lab kits, will NOT be included.

  • BryteWave is part of the technology behind BookSmart. You can highlight text, bookmark, search, sort and take notes using BryteWave.  While Accessing BryteWave, please use your University Assigned Log On Credentials. If you do not receive an email in your TXST email account from BryteWave, but believe you have digital textbooks, go to the BryteWave web site. Log in using your TXST email address, do not use any alias you have created to login with, and your BryteWave password. If you do not know your password, select "Forgot Password" and enter your TXST email address. The login information will be sent to your TXST email.

  • RedShelf is part of the technology behind BookSmart.  It is a digital content distributor. While many of your e-text materials are embedded in your courseware, those that are not will be accessed through RedShelf.

  • Students are automatically opted in, and it will be charged as part of your university student fee.

  • Yes, the charges will be added to your student bill and you may utilize your financial aid to cover the cost.

  • The university will make every effort to ensure students have all materials available to them on the first day of class. However, changes during the add/drop period may affect orders in a way that is beyond the control of Texas State.

    Additionally, physical products are affected by supply chains, which can result in delays for students.

  • You’ll be able to find your digital materials and e-books by logging into your TXST Canvas. In Canvas, click on your course and then select modules to access your digital materials.

    Digital materials will be available in Canvas the week prior to the first day of class (or within 48 hours of registration for digital materials within the add/drop period).